T9 1 min presentation

Dear Judith and Dann,

We have been asked to cover three topics in a minute long presentation, these are -

1. What did you think this MA would be?

2. 3 weeks in, what do you think it is?

3. What do you want it to be?

We will then reflect on what we have been doing in our units to date...
so this will cover our childhood drawings and the Lisbon trip...
As i understood the purpose of the childhood drawings was to create a spatial plan/diagram of our neighbourhoods,
and in doing so revealed how we relate to our environments, what we engage with etc etc...

You stated in the brief for this task that the process and outcome will be instrumental in our understanding of how to design a masterplan,

With respect to the Lisbon trip i do not yet feel i have enough drawings and information to have cemented a firm proposition, however i have altered my angle on what we had discussed on the trip.

I believe i am still working under the 'productive landscapes' but rather than get all touchy-feely with horse stables etc i have decided to use this two week project as an analytical study of food wastes in the area. I am thinking of proposing a waste processing plant - creating renewable energy. . .
I will have a firmer idea for this to discuss with you on Thursday.

In the UNIT presentation you gave on the first day of term there was mention of the East London Green Enterprise district manifesto. By analysing this with the Unit and discussing its theory
and constraints within the Ma group i am hoping the two will inform each other and a stronger proposal and portfolio for the Thames site can be formed.

This is quite a lot of stuff to cover 60 seconds, as far as i can see this is a semi formal introduction to what the MA SP+UD unit are doing and how we can work within the design units.

If there is anything you would like us to mention please let us know, this is also an opportunity to present Unit 3 against the other design units...



1 comment:

  1. any response?

    I think this letter illustrates quite well the balancing act we're to play.
