'The Political' - the dimension of antagonism which I take to be constitutive of human societies
'Politics' - a set of practices and institutions through which an order is created, organising human coexistence in the context of conflictuality provided by the Political
- Chantal Mouffe
Glossary of Terms 2#
Acronym – n a word formed from the initial letters of other words.
Quango – n (pl - os) an autonomous body set up by the government and having
statutory powers in a specific field.
Ma SPUD – Masters in Spatial Design and Urban Design
DFL – Design for London
GLA – Greater London Authority
GLC – Greater London Council
CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy
IOC – International Olympic Committee
BOA – British Olympic Association
LOCOG – London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympics Games
ODA – Olympic Delivery Authority
UDLF – Urban Design Landscape Framework
LDA – London Development Agency
TFL – Transport for London
HQI – Housing Quality Index
RIBA – Royal Institute of British Architects
RTPI – Royal Institute of Town Planning
ARB – Architects Registration Board
CABE – Commission for Architecture and the Build Environment
RICS – Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
DCLG – Department for Communities and Local Government
This is an ongoing exercise and I intend to expand the definitions of each Quango and their role...
Thanks for listing some of the acronyms, without these, no planning document makes any sense. The external lecturers use them like they're real words.